Gamechanger Audio

Gamechanger Audio Light Pedal

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The Light Pedal: A New Chapter in Analog Reverb!

With the Light Pedal, Gamechanger Audio shines a completely new light on an effect that has been iconic and recognizable since the 1950s: Spring Reverb. Like the spring reverb tanks of yesteryear, the Light Pedal contains a physical spring, which is moved by your guitar playing. Where in traditional spring reverbs only the vibration of the other end of the spring is translated to the output, the Light Pedal takes a different approach. The pedal contains several, carefully placed infrared sensors that tap the vibration of the spring in different places. A somewhat technical story, but this design opens doors to countless new sounds and effects!

You can of course use the Gamechanger Audio Light Pedal as a high-quality, regular Spring Reverb. Where it gets really interesting is the different effects, which are achieved by cleverly influencing the sensors. For example, you can use sweep to create a lush, modulated reverb and use trem to transform the Light Pedal into an analog tremolo. You also have access to a number of mechanical effects, such as reflect, a lo-fi delay and harmonic, an ingenious faux-shimmer effect that is created thanks to the natural overtones (harmonics) of the spring.

The connections and controls of the Light Pedal don't lie either. For example, the pedal contains an input for an expression pedal and a handy controller for the sensitivity of the sensors. There is also the option to make the footswitch non-latching, so that you can only provide specific notes or passages with reverb.

The Gamechanger Audio Light Pedal is psychedelic, inspiring and - literally - built like a tank. Where one could have stopped at "a physical spring reverb in a stomp box", the team at Gamechanger Audio went much, much further to wring every possible effect out of this simple concept. Come check it out, because hearing is believing!

Effect Type: Reverb
Controls: Dry, Spring, Optical, Tone, Type, Control, Drive, Gate, Tails On/Off, Latch On/Off
Connections: In, Out, Expression, Sensor Off/Soft/Hard, 9v DC In (500mA)