Victory Amps
You can find the Wide Line-Up Van Victory on countless stages and in countless studios - and we understand why!
Victory was founded in 2012 by Martin Kidd, a living legend of British amps, and Dijkmans has been a proud dealer for many years. There are only a few brands with such a wide line-up! Take, for example, the popular Duchess series, which is praised by countless guitarists for its clean sounds and is therefore often used as a pedal platform. On the other side of the spectrum you will find the Kraken line, which has quickly conquered a place among the most acclaimed metal and hard rock amplifiers. In between are the Copper, Sheriff and Jack series, each of which has its own personality.
Each series of Victory is represented in different products. Within the Duchess series you will find, for example, a compact lunchbox version, but also the extensive V40 Deluxe, which is equipped with analog tremolo and reverb. In addition, there are the V4 preamp versions and there is the V1 Overdrive. So there is always a Victory that exactly meets your requirements!
44 producten